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Smell the roses. Smell the coffee. Whatever it is that makes you happy. -Rita Moreno
Coffee is one of those perks we have all come to expect from our employers. The quality of coffee and other associated perks varies of cause with the ability and generosity of your employer.
Having the opportunity to serve the coffee needs of companies large and small and seeing just how happy coffee makes employees feel, I wondered how we could provide a high quality coffee service to our hard working teachers. We all know that Colorado ranks pretty low on school funding in the nation and one would hardly expect schools to prioritize teacher coffee and yet coffee ranks tops in most appreciated employee perks at work.
We came up with “A Latte for My Teacher” as a way of trying to solve this complex coffee conundrum. Think if Go Fund Me and Instagram had a baby except the messages you send to your teacher are personal and private and you are brightening their day with a quality cup o’ joe with each eNote you send them.